Woman posing in pink spring outfits

Spring Trends and Pieces

It’s almost officially spring and for me, that means its time for a wardrobe change. As much as I love chunky sweaters I can’t wait for it to be warm again. Because it’s starting to get progressively nice out, I decided it would be a great time to talk about some popular trends and pieces for spring this year! Anything I wore that is still available I linked.

Monochromatic Spring Looks

Woman posing wearing pink spring outfit

Ever love a color so much you wear an entire outfit dedicated to it? Well then this spring trend is for you! Monochromatic looks are starting to gain popularity and it’s easy to see why. It’s fun to test your wardrobe limits and see if you can wear all of one color. If you’re like me though and you’re unsure of trying it out, one thing I like to do is to use a simple graphic tee with more than one color to break up the look. I liked using this graphic that has pink and black so that I could pair it with black boots as well.

Transitional Wear for Spring

Transitional wear is always a smart thing to have when the seasons are changing. While I’m all for spring weather, PA can’t make up its mind on what the temperature should be so I like having some jackets that work for me when it’s not quite warm enough to go without!

Woman posing wearing pink spring outfit holding coffee

This pink jacket is great because it just keeps me warm enough in the cooler days leading up to spring and is also a nice bright color that fits with a lot of my spring wardrobe.

woman posing in jean jacket

Jean jackets have become really popular lately and they can be layered with any outfit which is perfect for when you’re changing out your clothes for the season. This one I got from Old Navy has a detachable fur collar for extra warmth!

Graphic Tees

I’m a big fan of graphic tees and they’re a nice way to add character to any outfit. I really liked the simplicity of this pattern because it can be dressed up or down. I wore this shirt with both of my most recent outfits and it looked great!

woman looking right in spring outfit

Athletic Wear

Athletic wear outside of the gym has been becoming wildly popular and with brands like Free People, Aerie, and even Old Navy coming out with amazing collections it’s easy to see why. I’ve recently loved wearing leggings out for a more laidback look and on the plus side, they’re really comfortable. The ones I’m wearing here are from Old Navy. They’re worth it if you can get them during a good sale! I also have a great floral windbreaker (not pictured) from Target that I love pairing with these if I’m running errands or just running around my neighborhood.

woman posing in laid back spring outfit
This is the pose everyone does right?

Spring Accessories

It’s all about the accessories when you want to finish off a look and two of my favorites for spring right now are headbands and jewelry. I can be really bad at remembering accessories but when I’m running out the door it’s easy to remember something small like a ring or a headband so that my hair is out of the way.

woman looking down in pink spring outfit

Really chunky headbands are in right now but I really liked this cute minimalistic pearl one from The Sugarfix Target collection! It’s enough to make a statement but still muted compared to a lot of the other pearl and knot headbands that have been trending.

woman's hand on white speckled purse

I’m pretty forgetful when it comes to jewelry but I always try to remember at least one piece. Lately, it’s been this beautiful ring I gifted myself for the new year! I got it from Pandora a while back but I love how perfect the leaf design is for spring and summertime.

Handbags for Spring

Last but not least colorful handbags are a great way to add color to any outfit for spring. Whether it’s adding color for a monochromatic look or a fun print to standout, bags that are anything but neutral are the perfect addition for any outfit this spring. I like to use this bag I got from target to contrast against a neutral outfit and I like to use my pink bag if I’m wearing mostly pink for a more monochromatic look!

Woman holding pink bag

Looking ahead

There are so many new trends this year and I can’t wait to see what’s next. One thing I definitely noticed is how many 80’s influenced pieces I have so I’m thinking that might be my next post! If you have any trends or pieces I missed be sure to share them with me on Instagram!