change, one way

Where I’ve been…

What happened?

A lot has changed in my life since my last posting and I felt it was important to let you all know why I’ve been away. In May I graduated college and found that’s where my declining interest in keeping up with social media began. I knew life was going to be different and I was always so anxious about what was ahead. Prior to graduation, I knew I had accepted a position in the Disney college program in Florida but I still felt off the following months leading up to it. The more time I let lapse between my last blog post made me embarrassed to even continue and when I tried to continue it in July I lost all of my information. It was hard and I always questioned why I let myself sabotage my own work ethic by continuously putting off this post. I was finally growing in a community I liked and once things started to feel real I just pulled away completely because I was afraid of what was next with my blog. I stuck with things I was comfortable with, like going back to my job over the summer and seeing friends from time to time. I’m busy was the reason I gave myself for not continuing something I loved doing.

Where am I know?

I’m in Florida and I’ve been here for about 2 months and I’ve decided to finally take the step to continue my blog. I’m not sure what direction it will be in this time but I know I still want to use this creative outlet. There may be an increase in Disney content due to where I’m living right now but I don’t want that to be the center of what I write about because the center of this blog is all of my experiences. I hope that those of you who follow me will continue on this journey with me. I’m excited to see what it holds and although I’m afraid of the unknown I’m sure great things are ahead.

All the best,
