Three Different French Fashion Books on a wooden table with white background

Top 3 Books About Parisian Fashion

If you know me personally then you know how much I love Paris. Ever since I saw Madeline for the first time, I knew Paris was where I was destined to be. Flash forward 20+ years and three Paris trips later I can confidently say that I’ve learned a lot about the City of Lights. Having devoted a large portion of my free time to studying the culture and history of Paris, I’ve compiled a list of what I’ve found to be my top 3 favorite books that showcase Parisian Fashion.

How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are

So this book isn’t necessarily devoted to fashion itself but in all ways of being Parisian. It’s my favorite, more so for its sentimental value, but it still has a lot to say about fashion as well. I received this book as a gift from my family to celebrate my surprise high school graduation trip to Paris. Due to unfortunate circumstances, this trip was canceled but I still remember reading and rereading this book because it meant so much to me.

Cover of book titled How to be Parisian Wherever you are

This book is great because it gives 4 different accounts of life in Paris, it isn’t necessarily divided by story but more so by life lesson as a literal How to guide book. My favorite section is Cultivate Your Allure, as it is where the book primarily focuses on fashion and appearance.

Paris Street Style

Paris Street Style is a great book if you are a visual person. There is at least one picture on every page to show what the writers are trying to tell you. Some pages are even full print pictures with quotes! I’m not going to lie, sometimes I just want a simple book to read and that’s what made this book so appealing to me. After having to read 5,000 assigned readings as a communications student a book that is honestly primarily picture based is a godsend.

Book Cover Titled Paris Street Style

The book’s large basis in photography is extremely key in portraying the trends it talks about. This book is carefully curated and made to showcase timeless pieces for one looking to be fashionable in Paris. It includes interviews with fashion icons, fashion illustrations, and explanations for every piece showcased to help readers understand french fashion.

Parisian Chic (A Style Guide)

If you love the design of bullet journals and mood boards then this is the book for you. I honestly purchased this once I saw how beautiful it’s layout was. This is actually what I ended up reading on my last flight home from studying abroad. It’s such an easy read but its incredibly informational as well.

Book Cover titled Parisian Chic A Style Guide

This book has a good mix of illustrated pictures and real photographs to help bring the words to life. It is similar to How to be Parisian in that it also has lifestyle content as well as fashion but it’s unique because it also breaks down specific pieces in an outfit. The other two explain certain styles and pieces but this particular book takes that a step further. It breakdowns the options for individual pieces.

The Takeaway

Any of these three books are great choices when wanting to learn about Parisian fashion. Each has its own unique personality and stands out amongst the others. I’d definitely recommend giving any of these a read before your next trip to Paris as you’ll notice a lot more in the city afterward. Who knows, maybe it’ll inspire you to visit Paris during fashion week and you’ll almost accidentally crash the after party in Versailles like I did…but that’s a story for another time.