rainbow confetti thrown in the sky

Post-Grad Life is Hard

I was going to publish a different post today but felt this was more pressing to write about. Something I’ve learned in my almost year post-grad is that post-grad life is hard. Not everyone is lucky enough to get a job right out of college and that’s okay. Sometimes the job you may take out of college might not last and that’s also okay. The hardest part about being post-grad is trying to have your life together when you aren’t even sure of what’s next. I strongly feel this disconnect needs to be normalized because so many people do struggle post-grad and it shouldn’t be looked down on.

I’m not sure of what’s next for me right now and that can sometimes be terrifying. Getting rejection after rejection honestly makes me wonder why I even have a degree but at the end of the day I know I can’t let that get to me. I know something is out there for me and that this is only temporary but when you’re surrounded by social media posts showcasing others thriving its hard to not feel smaller than others. I’m still learning to be content with where I am in life and I’m not sure how long that will take but for now simply put, post-grad life is hard…and that’s okay.